We were really hoping that we would be back to our home at The Wing this month, but with the pandemic case rate in Georgia spiking we've opted for the safer route.
Join fellow club members for our regularly scheduled monthly Happy Hour on Thursday, August 20th at 6:00pm!
We'll be meeting virtually via Zoom! Connect to Zoom here:https://zoom.us/my/brentzoom Have your webcam on and a cocktail in hand! We'll talk some club business, maybe chat about our favorite Quarantine Concerts, and generally just enjoy each others virtual company!
You can also join by phone only. Phone: (646) 558-8656 Meeting ID: 67877-88996
We'll discuss our upcoming parties for when we're allowed to see each other again, concerts, community service events and the Parrothead Cruise Everyone is welcome!
Email: webmaster@atlantaparrotheadclub.org